You Only Get It If....

You know how sometimes you'll talk about something to someone trying to explain some shiz and they don't get it because they haven't ever experienced it? Yeah, something like that on here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

...You've Been Dating Awhile.

I love my boyfriend. He knows everything. He has the same sense of humor as I do and he lets me get away with all my crazy bullnanas (Side Note: I'm trying not to cuss as much. I actually do say bullnanas irl but I just wanted to give you a heads up). He takes care of me and my son and we all love each other very much. I never would have ever thought I could be this happy and this much in love. I can't even explain how lucky I am that he let me dig my claws into him. I never want to let go. He makes me smile just with a thought and I could hold his hand until we turned into phantasmagoric dust.

Ok, get it?

So Log-en dazs and I have been dating for almost eleven months now and we've spent almost all that time together being very happy. So happy, in fact, the only thing to do at this point is small things that just annoy the shiz  outta one another. For instance, Log has the loudest sneezes in the world. Like I know completely that this is something not within his realm of control and yet when he sneezes I shoot him a glance like he just cussed at me. Or how sometimes Log-en dazs (is it bad that at the moment he's being adorable and I'm having issues with tying to find things that annoy me? Yeah, I figured) will not only walk into the house, but shed like a leper into the bedroom to hop on This leaves this disturbing tale of 'long lecture'ly tossed backpack in the middle of the room; crumpled jacket beside back pack along side one black sock that says 'paper due in two days'; a random shirt draped over a seat that smells like him; two stolen lighters that let's me know Dal Dal is coming to visit soon; that other sock -that really doesn't tell a tale just kinda finishes the story- and finally the love of my life. Yet, I will still ask him: How was your day, darling?


Now don't be fooled and think this is one sided. Oh-my-heavens-mercy-me-no, I sometimes do shiz just to make him go bullnanas (Not one cuss word so far! Hell yeah)! For instance, I make the dumbest jokes I can...constantly.

Scenario One:
<Log cannot find his keys>
LOG: Have you seen my keys?
ME: The ones hanging on the key rack by the front door above your homework you were s'posed to turn in two days ago? That one? Nope. I have not seen it

Scenario TWO
<Log cannot find his keys>
LOG: Have you seen my keys. Oh wait, here there are under the couch...
ME: (at the same time) ......................................ere are under the couch, I found them baby. What would you do without me? You'd never find your keys again that's a fact.

SceNARIo three
<Log cannot find his keys>
<Oh forgot to mention I took them out of his pockets two hours ago without telling him and left them in my jacket pocket>
LOG: Have you seen my keys?
ME: Not recently, baby. Did you check under the couch?
<minutes of searching>
ME: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh. They're in my pocket.
LOG: {Hulks out.}

The best part about all of this is: it's not hateful. It's not vicious. It's just so damn cute when Logan throws up his shoulders and is all annoyed at me. IT'S SO DAMN CUTE!!!! Yeah. We've been together for almost 11 months. Soak it in.

I didn't know Valentine's Day could be so awesome. Thank you, Logan. I love you.

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